The Fastest Growing Religion In The WorldMoselms are the worlds fastest –growing group…''( the population Reference Bureau ,USA Today).
' Islam is the Fastest- growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of Stability for many of our people…' ( Hillary Rodham Clinton, Las Angeles Times).
' …Islam is the Fastest – growing religion in the country ' .( Geraldine Baum ; Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday)
'Islam , the Fastest-growing religion in the united states..' ( Ari L Goldman, New York Times ).
Comparative Chart Number of Muslims To Christians
1900 world population ,Christians 26.9% ,Muslims 12.4 %
1980 world population ,Christian 30% , Muslims 16.5%
2000 world population ,Christian 29.9%, Muslims 19,2%
2025 World population ( Projected) Christians 25% , Muslims 30%
31 Mar 2008..VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- A Vatican official said that, for the first time, the world's Muslim population is greater than the number of Catholics.
Islam is Growing about 2,9% per year which is faster than the total world population .which increase at about 2,3 percent annually. This phenomenon indicates that Islam is truly a religion from God. It is unreasonable to think that so many Americans and people from different countries have converted to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation before concluding that Islam is true .These converts have come from different countries, classes ,races, and walk life.And in this message you can know about Islam from those people which they converted to Islam. by watching Youtube stories links . see them stories and why they converted to Islam!!
May God help us all to find the true faith .
5 minutes introduction to Islam v=ZHujiWd49l4&feature=related
America Canada
Yvonne Ridley explains why she converted to ISLAM Canada
Madelin from Canada converted to islam
Canadian Science student Revert find peace & logic in Islam Journey to Islam Canada
united state
Yusuf Estes Embrance Islam Full Version PASTORI NE ISLAM
I had NO choice except to convert to Islam!!
A Christian convert to Islam(Yusuf Ali)
Ex-Christian Converts to Islam / Hamza Yusuf
Nicole Queen: Converts after seeing Youtube videos on Islam
Cheryl From USA Converted To ISLAM
American girl from Oklahoma converts to Islam
Fox News: Young Christian Americans Turning To ISLAM
CNN video 5 million converted to islam in USA
Story of New American Muslim Convert
Convert to Islam, Angela Collins
UsA 75 Year Old American Lady Reverted to Islam (Part-2)
American Woman became Muslim on TV Show !! Live
American Woman Converted To ISLAM
20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year !
1.5 Million Americans converted to ISLAM in USA
CNN: American Muslim Woman in Hajj
TV Report: Latino Muslims Growing in Number in USA
Lisa From USA Converted To ISLAM.
some converted Muslims in Texas USA .part 3
converted Muslims in the USA .Texas (English) 1
Nicole Queen: Converts after seeing YouTube videos on Islam
How Bible Led American Christian to Convert to Islam 6/6
Thousands of danish People turning to ISLAM in Denmark
22 Born American who converted to Islam and went to Hajj
Thousands Hispanics converted to ISLAM in USA
MUS Sergeant converts to Islam, Marries Iraqi woman
17 Years Old Alex Just Converted To Islam .TX ,Jun 2008
Muslims in America fasting Ramadan
why African American woman convert to Islam
African Americans going back to their roots...ISLAM
Mexico Mujahid Mexican convert to Islam
Mexico's indigenous minority converting to Islam - 14 Mar 08
Mexican Woman Converted To ISLAM
BrazilBrazilian Lady Converted To ISLAM On Paltalk .. Live !
My Ummah Brazil
Brazil Player Fred
Hispanic and LatinoWhy Latinos Convert to Islam
Thousands Hispanics converted to ISLAM in USA
MTV Report Thousands Hispanics Converting To ISLAM
VOA News- 200,000 US-Hispanics converted to ISLAM and Loving Islam Catholic then Christian Now Muslim
Many Latinos Convert Daily To ISLAM Live From Venezuela
why latinos american accept Islam
EuropeNetherlands Islam in Nederland
Islam in Nederland (Part 2)
How to Convert to Islam Holland
Dutch Women Turning To ISLAM in Holland
Girl From Netherlands converted to Islam
SEY united kingdomBritish University Student Amy reverts to Islam 1/2
British Revert Sis. Jan talks about being a Muslim in the UK
British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM
Two British Women of different colors convert to ISLAM
British revert Br. Ibrahim talks about how he found Islam
Part 7 - British kids Converted to Islam
Part 5 - British kids Converted to Islam
Dr. Ian Weber from UK converts to Islam
13 year British boy convert to Islam
All are crying after a British man converts to Islam
British Br. Steven takes shahada & enters Islam, Yusuf Estes
A Muslim Convert talks about the Clarity of Islam UK
Amazing Convert Story (part 1 of 2) UK
Amazing Convert Story (part 2 of 2)UK
A British Convert Talks About Becoming Muslim (1 of 2)
A British Convert Talks About Becoming Muslim (2 of 2)
Muhammad (Michael) - Why I became a Muslim. UK
From Catholic to Atheist to Islam UK
Amina: A Muslim Convert in the UK
Spain Spanish Muslim Woman Talks about Women's Rights in Islam.
TV Report in Spanish : Many Hispanics Converting To ISLAM
EPETV Report in Spanish : Latinos are converting to Islam
Islamic lesson in Spanish - part 1
Islamic lesson in Spanish- part 2 Woman talks about Woman rights in Islam
GREAT VIDEO MORE THAN 10 PERSONS CONVERT TO ISLAM IN GERMANY! WATCH THISS'Suddenly I knew this is the Truth' German convert to Islam
German convert to ISLAM with English subtitles
Italian German convert to Islam with English translation
Irish German Italian and loving Islam JR Farrell tells why
German Doctor and his Wife converted to ISLAM
German Women and 2Man convert to Islam -LIVE Shahada -2008
Seven Germans accept Islam .. Live-2008 - English subtitles
Many German Women Turning To ISLAM .. Live !
German Ex-Boxer explains why he converted to Islam
Abdullah German: Convert to Islam
German man converts Islam
6 Young German Reverts to Islam
ISLAM in 30 Sekunden
German Muslims are Growing Rapidly in Numbers (German)
German gang converted to Islam
TV Report: 4000 Germans Converted To ISLAM Last Year!
German catholic girl convert to Islam (english subtitle)
Yusuf Estes & Pierre Vogel in Ratingen Teil 1 von 8 de Watch this
Yusuf Estes & Pierre Vogel in Ratingen Teil 2 von 8
Yusuf Estes & Pierre Vogel in Ratingen Teil 3 von 8
Yusuf Estes & Pierre Vogel in Ratingen Teil 4 von 8
Yusuf Estes & Pierre Vogel in Ratingen Teil 5 von 8
Pierre Vogel, the Man Who Converts Hundreds Germans To ISLAM
Deutsche Konvertiten: 'ISLAM IST SEHR SCHÖN!' de
FranceTV Report: More Christians Convert To ISLAM in France
TV Report: French Man embraced Islam after reading Quran
TV Report More French Canadian Women Convert To ISLAM.flv
Three French Ladies Convert To ISLAM .. Live !
Converts to Islam 70000 every year in France
Greek Greek Brother Omar Reverts to Islam from Christianity 1-2
Greek Muslim Brother Abu Hamza Al Yunani (1/8)
The Greek Muslims....
Muslim Greece
Islam in Greece - A Glimpse at Greece's Muslim Heritage
Greek convert to Islam in AustraliaA Greek Man Convert to Islam Mönchengladbach England
http://www.greekmuslims.comIreland an Irish man convert to islam in the ( ICCI)
Irish convert to Islam
Irish Muslim convert taught about the true Islam
Irish American converts to Islam
Fidelma O'Leary Irish Catholic Convert to Islam
Brother from Poland explains his Journey to ISLAM
Professor Milan From Czech Republic Converted To ISLAM
italiano convert to al' Islam parte 2
European Man convert to Islam in Indonesia!,
European Girl Converted To ISLAM.flv
22 people accept Islam After Brother Khalid Yasin lecture
Australian Woman convert to Islam
Australian Br. Tony reverts to Islam - by Br. Khalid Yasin
Islam in Australia Susan Carland
some converted Australian Muslims in Australia part 1
some converted Australian Muslims in Australia part 2
Australian man talks about Accepting Islam
Jewish Girl Converts to Islam Y-many
Jewish and Christian Families convert to Islam
Jewish Family Converts to Islam
a Jewish man converted to Islam
Jewish become Muslim
Jewish British Dude Converts to Islam
TV Report: Muslims in Russia Growing in Number Rapidly
my friend converted Islam
Rossiyalik Muslimalar (naqadar insonni shodlantiradi)
人生が変わった!日本の女-2 Japanese Muslim woman!
日本の女性は正道を見つかった Second Japanese woman speaks her experience-1
Japanese women Converts to Islam
Japanese Man convert to Islam in Indonesia (Allahuakbar!)
Malaysian Japanese woman convert to Islam
Korean Muslims
two Koreans converted to Islam
37 Korean Troops Convert To ISLAM
India ,
Hindu ,Buddhist From Hinduism To ISLAM
Convert to Islam from Hinduism- 3/4
74Buddhists Converted to Islam
Hindu Woman converts to Islam.. live by Zakir Naik3.flv
New Hindu Convert to Islam in Malaysia
My Hindu friends and his family convert to Islam, Malaysia
Hindu Bro Accepts Islam.....Amazing Story Part 1
Malaysia Hindu convert to Islam and answer about Hindu,
Malaysian Sami Buddha found the truth in Islam.
How Allah Changed Malaysian Hindu guys to be a Muslim!
A Hindu converts to Islam
Malaysia Malaysian Chinese Millionnaire convert to Islam
Malaysian Big Priest Catholic convert to Islam
Malaysian Girl convert to Islam on 30 April 2008.
Malaysian Chinese Girl convert to Islam, wear the veil!
Malaysian Woman convert Islam and talk about Polygamy
My Hindu friends and his family convert to Islam, Malaysia
Two more Filipinas convert to Islam - April 13, 2008
Catholic Filipina converts to Islam - March 30, 2008
Egypt Egyptian Christian Coptic family embrace Islam (English Sub)
Coptic Christian revert to Islam - مسيحي مصري يعلن إسلامه
مسيحي ينطق الشهادة وهو يبكي مؤثر جدا اللهم ثبته علي التوحيد
مليون وربع مسيحى مصرى أسلموا باعتراف كبار القساوسة!!!
إسلام مسيحي قبطي بسبب أكاذيب الجحش زكريا بطرس
South Africa
Many Christian Africans Convert To ISLAM in South Africa
AtheistMy conversion story to Islam, from being atheist to Muslim.
Former Atheist Converts to Islam (1 of 2)
Former Atheist Converts to Islam (2 of 2)
Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 1/3
An Atheist Converts to Islam
My conversion story to Islam ,from being atheist to Muslim.
Former Atheist Converts to Islam (1 of 2)
Former Atheist Converts to Islam (2 of 2)
From Catholic to Atheist to Islam UK
the Muslims players show
Thank you Allah
arsenal player armand traore is Muslim
Converted Muslim Boxers
Muhammad Ali and Will Smith
CelebrityCelebrity Converts To ISLAM
Super Star Busta Rhymes Converted To ISLAM
Muhammad Ali and Will Smith
All the family William Chappelle and 25 members of his family embrace Islam
April 05, 2007Family Member of 9/11 Victims Converts to Islam
Jewish Family Converts to Islam
Scientists and professorsI convert to Islam after watching this video ! baby and sex
Anatomy : Scientist converted to islam after reading Quran.
Professor Milan From Czech Republic Converted To ISLAM
Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 1/3
Christian Professor Fidelma O'Leary Embraced ISLAM
German Doctor and his Wife converted to ISLAM
Other links4 New Muslims
New Muslims Non-Muslim Parents
A Young Man Accepted Islam...
Converted to Islam
The Fastest Growing Religion In The World
The Beauty of Being a Muslim Woman
Women with brains accepting Islam
Another Woman Convert with Yusuf Estes
Google believes Muhammad messenger from God
Isa Christian revert to Islam explains why he embraced Islam
Interview with Scott - the 13 year old- new revert to Islam
Choosing Islam - Converts Tell Their Stories 1/3
Marlyn Moringten converted to ISLAM (part1)
Why Jorge Garcia accepted Islam?
convert to Islam
135 people accept Islam after Br. Yusuf Estes Lecture! 3/3
converted from CHRISTIANITY to ISLAM..see why?
Why do they accept the Islam? 'Convert to Islam'
'JUST THE QUR'AN, this is what convinced me!'- ISLAM CONVERT
Ex-Muslim Hater Converts to Islam on Paltalk
Pasha - Why I became a Muslim
Former Christian Suhaib Webb talks about his Road to Islam
WHY I was forced to leave CHRISTIANITY and convert to Islam
Why I Came to Islam: Abdur Raheem Green
Alex Lopez from Catholic Christian to Islam 1/2
Alex Lopez from Catholic Christian to Islam 2/2
Brother David talks about his 2 months as a Muslim
Mohammad - The Greatest Man That Ever Lived
MuslimReverts On Youtube Series: Brother Xpresss66
Brother Brian a Revert from Roman Catholic to Islam 1/2
Islam in Ukraine
Amazing Islam Miracles
Yusuf Estes Embrance Islam Full Version PASTORI NE ISLAM
William Chappelle and 25 members of his family embrace Islam