[Q]: Is the fast of the ninth or eleventh and tenth of Muharram recommended?
[A]: The fast of the day of 'Aashooraa' (tenth day of Muharram) is recommended, as its excellence has been mentioned in (a number of) ahaadeeth. From them, is the saying of the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam): "Certainly the fast of the day of 'Aashooraa' is regarded by Allaah as an expiation for the sins of the previous year."
Also, when the Prophet (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) arrived in Madeenah he saw the Jews fasting (on this day), so when he asked them (about this), they said: "Certainly, this is the day when Allaah made Moosaa victorious and destroyed Fir'own".So the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "We have more of a right to Moosaa than you." So he fasted (that day) and ordered it to be fasted."
As for the ninth, then it has not been confirmed that the Prophet (Sallallahu'alayhi wa sallam) fasted it, however, it has been narrated by Ibn 'Abbaass (RadhiAllaahu 'anhu) and others that the explanation (tafseer) of the day of
'Aashooraa' is that it is the ninth. And it has been narrated that he (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"If I am (still) here next year, then certainly I will fast the ninth (day of Muharram)" And in (another) narration: "along with the tenth (day of Muharram)."
And he (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Differ from the Jews; fast the day before it (the ninth) or the day after it (the eleventh)."
So, this indicates that the fast of the ninth is legislated just as the tenth and it is recommended for the Muslims to increase in fasting during this month as in the saheeh hadeeth. The Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The best of fasts after (the month of) Ramadhaan is the month of Allaah which they refer to as Muharram."
On this day, the tenth of Muharram, there occurred an incident and that was the murder of al-Husayn (RadhiAllaahu 'anhu). And when he was murdered that day, the Raafidhah (commonly known as the Shee'ah) - may Allaah disgrace them - (who are amongst those who exceed (their love for) 'Alee (Ibn Abee Taalib) and his family such as al-Hasan and al-Husayn and their children), begun an innovation on that day which still exists today. And from their innovations are lamenting (loud weeping), obsequies (gathering as if for a funeral), afflicting oneself with cuts and acts of (the days of) ignorance (before Islaam), such as striking their cheeks and ripping their pockets (clothing), tearing out of the hair, supplicating with grief and distress throughout this day every year. They circulate many ahaadeeth regarding the day of 'Aashooraa' and its misfortune (concerning al-Husayn) and these ahaadeeth are lies against the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
Then there was a nation called the Nawaasib, who were fanatics in contrast to the Shee'ah, who also began innovations. However, they were quite opposite to the Raafidhah. They would come out in their best garments and complete beauty and appearance, so as to irritate the Raafidhah, as they (also) circulated many ahaadeeth about the excellence of the day of 'Aashooraa', in (vast) contrast to the ahaadeeth which the Raafidhah had circulated. So, the Raafidhah say it is mentioned in the hadeeth: Whoever applies kohl (eyeliner - to the eyes) and beautifies (themselves) on the Day of 'Aashooraa', they are struck with ophthalmia. And the Nawaasib say: Whoever applies kohl (eyeliner - to the eyes) on the Day of 'Aashooraa' their eyes will never be struck with ophthalmia. And like this, they innovate and lie against the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and they act likewise. So, it is upon the Muslim not to be deceived by (any of) these (people). 1
The Permissibility Of Fasting Only On The Day Of 'Aashooraa'
[Q]: Is it permissible to fast 'Aashooraa' just one day?
[A]: The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa: 2
It is permissible to fast the day of 'Aashooraa' (tenth day of Muharram) just one day, however, it is better to fast the day before it or the day after it (also) and this is the established Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) who said: "If I am (still) here next year, then certainly I shall fast the ninth (day of Muharram)" 3
Ibn 'Abbaas (RadhiAllaahu 'anhu) said: "along with the tenth (day of Muharram)" And with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) family and his companions.
1 Shaykh Ibn Jibreen Fataawa as-Siyaam - Page 94, Fatwa No.113,
2 comprising Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz; Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee; Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Volume 10, Page 401, Fatwa No.13700
3 Reported by Muslim, Ahmad, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Abee Shaybah, at-Tahaawee, al-Bayhaqee
and al-Baghawee
The noble Shaykh ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) was asked: what is the ruling on fasting on Friday?
Fasting on a Friday is disliked, but not in the absoloute sense. So fasting on a Friday is disliked for the one who intended to fast it and singled it out for fasting [only] due to the saying of the prophet (salAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam):
"Do not single out the Friday for fasting nor its night for standing [in prayer – i.e. Thursday night]"
As for if a person fasted coincidentally on a Friday due to it being a habitual practice of the person to fast, then there is no objection in that and the person is not at liberty. And likewise if he fasted the day before or the day after it [ i.e. Friday] there is no objection in that and the person is not at liberty, and there is no dislike [Islamically, in the matter]. An example of the first case: if it was from the habit of a person to fast one day and leave a day [fasting alternative days] and coincidentally fasted on a Friday, then there is no wrong/ objection in that. Likewise, if it was the persons habit to fast the day of 'Arafah and coincidentally the day of 'Arafah landed on a Friday, then there is no objection to him fasting on that Friday nor any restriction upon him because indeed he did not single out this day [to fast] merely because of it being a Friday but rather due to it being the day of 'Arafah and likewise even if this day coincided with the day of 'Aashooraa' and he was limited to it [ i.e. to only fasting that day], then there is no objection in that [for him to fast] even though it would be better for him to also fast the day before or day after the day of 'Aashooraa'.
The second example: to fast the Thursday or Saturday along with the Friday. As for the one who fasted Friday without an eligible reason [such as it being other than a habit, or an act of sunnah that coincides with this day], then we say to him: if you wanted to fast Saturday [along with the Friday] then proceed with your fasting [on the Friday] and if you did not want to fast Saturday nor Thursday, then do not fast [on Friday] in accordance with what the messenger of Allaah (salAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) ordered, and Allaah is the Successful.
Question: May the blessings of Allaah be upon you, is it permissible to fast the day of Friday on its own?
Response: The prophet (salAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam prohibited fasting the day of Friday on its own. One of his wives entered upon him or it was him who entered upon her and he found her fasting [on a Friday] so he asked her:
"did you fast yesterday?"
... and she replied: "no"
...he asked her: "are you going to fast tomorrow?"
... she replied: "no"
...so he said: "break your fast".
But if Friday coincided with the day of 'Arafah for example, and a person then fasted it [i.e. only the Friday], then there is no harm or objection [in doing so] because this man [questioner] fasted [the Friday] because of it being the day of 'Arafah and not because it was merely a Friday [and] if Friday coincided with the day of 'Aashooraa' and he fasted it then there is no objection in him to singularly fast that that day since he fasted it because it is the day of 'Aashooraa' and not because it is merely a Friday. For this reason the prophet (salAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"do not single out the day of Friday for fasting nor its night for standing [in prayer, i.e. Thursday night]" .
So the matter has been determined with regards to a person who does this, particularly with regards to [fasting] the day of Friday and [standing in prayer on] the night of Friday [ i.e. Thursday night]
Question : Is it permissible to fast 'Aashooraa. just one day?
Response: It is permissible to fast the day of 'Aashooraa. (tenth day of Muharram) just one day, however, it is better to fast the day before it or the day after it (also) and this is the established Sunnah of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) who said:
If I am (still) here next year, then certainly I shall fast the ninth (day of Muharram , [(reported by) Muslim, Ahmad, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Abee Shaybah, at-Tahaawee, al-Bayhaqee and al-Baghawee]. Ibn 'Abbaass (radhi-yallaahu 'anhumaa) said:
along with the tenth (day of Muharram.
And with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.
With Kind Regards
Mohammad Usman