Saturday, January 14, 2012

What is Black Seed Oil?

Black seed oil is an oil derived by pressing the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant. The seeds are also commonly referred to as black cumin. The nutrient-rich oil of black seed has been used for hundreds of years in the Middle East and South Asia as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments.
What are the Benefits of Black Seed Oil?
Studies have shown that black seed oil is an effective anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory remedy. As a result, it is often used to fight infections and strengthen the immune system, which is suitable for treating the following conditions:
nasal congestion
colds and flus
digestive and gastrointestinal problems
hair and skin problems
diabetesBlack seed oil has also been found to be effective at promoting menstruation and increasing milk production. For most ailments, the recommended daily dosage is one teaspoon of black seed oil per day. The oil can be mixed in warm or cold drinks, or it can be added on top of many foods right before consuming. It can also be used topically as a chest rub for respiratory problems.

Uses of Black Seed Oil
AllergiesBlack Seed Oil acts as an antihistamine which helps to reduce the common symptoms of allergies (watery eyes, sneezing). Simply take half a teaspoon of oil twice a day when allergy symptoms begin to appear.

Flu and FeverBlack Seed Oil has been found to help reduce fever, by inducing perspiration which helps the body cool and stimulate the release of toxins. Take one teaspoon of Black Seed Oil once a day when flu/fever systems occur. Also be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
Boils and CarbunclesStudies have shown that the anti-fungal properties of Black Seed Oil and its active component Thymoquinone help strengthen the immune system and cure many common skin infections including boils and carbuncles. Simply take half a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil twice daily (you can mix it into a hot or cold beverage).

Cough and Asthma ReliefThe anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Black Seed Oil help treat the symptoms of acute asthma and coughs by relaxing bronchial muscles. For asthma, mix a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil in boiling water and inhale the vapor twice a day. For dry coughs, mix a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil into a cup of ginger tea and drink this twice a day. For other types of coughs, massage a small amount of the oil over the center of your chest.
DiarrheaBlack seed oil is also an effective natural remedy for diarrhea.

High Blood PressureThe active ingredients in black seed oil have been found to be effective in reducing high blood pressure.

InsomniaStudies have shown that Black Seed Oil can help eliminate sleep disorders. Simply mix a teaspoon of black seed oil into a hot drink one hour before bed time for a good night's sleep.
Muscle Cramps and SpasmsBlack Seed Oil has been found to contain strong anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Therefore, it is effective at preventing or easing muscle spasms and cramps. Simply massage Black Seed Oil onto the affected area once in the morning and once before going to bed. You can alternatively add one teaspoon of Black Seed Oil in a cup of chamomile tea and drink it at night.

Nausea and Upset StomachStudies have shown that Black Seed Oil acts as a wonderful remedy for stomach ailments by stimulating digestion and inducing the expulsion of gas. For nausea and upset stomachs, mix half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with half a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil and take this twice a day.

ToothachesBlack seed oil's anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are great for treating toothaches.
What are the Side Effects of Black Seed Oil?
There are no known side effects of Black Seed Oil if it is taken moderately. However, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Where and How to Buy Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil is available at most health food stores, as well as through online shops. The oil should appear dark yellow or amber in colour. It can also be found in seed form or as capsules. தேங்க்ஸ்: