By : Eng. Burhan
For your knowledge updates...
1. Spending zakaah 45185
2 . Zakaah on cotton 99164
3 . Zakaah on grapes 99158
4 . Giving zakaah to students 121181
5 . Zakaah on company shares 21574
6 . Paying zakaah on loans 1817
7 . Zakaah on a bequest 99505
8 . Zakaah on usurped wealth 129657
9 . Zakaah on shares 65722
10 . Is coffee subject to zakaah? 99154
11 . Is zakaah due on honey? 46315
12 . Building mosques from zakaah funds 13734
13 . Zakaah on domestic palm-trees 11051
14 . Is zakaah due on bonuses? 75390
15 . No zakaah is due on figs 99157
16 . Paying zakaah to the Chechen Mujaahideen 12359
17 . Zakaah on shares in real state companies 74989
18 . Categories on which zakaah may be spent 46209
19 . Animals on which zakaah is due 93387
21 . The wisdom behind the prescription of zakaah 43609
22 . Detailed discussion of zakaah on shares 69912
23 . Is zakaah due on manufacturing equipment? 74987
24 . There is no zakaah on birds 105320
25 . Is zakaah due on a retirement pension? 97442
26 . Are printing materials subject to zakaah? 69916
27 . Should zakaah be paid on haraam wealth? 93525
28 . Ruling on giving zakaah to a Raafidi 1148
29 . Giving zakaah to a seeker of knowledge 34631
30 . Giving zakaah to the people of Chechnya 7853
31 . Appointing a woman to divide zakaah 126595
32 . Ruling on giving zakaah to grandmothers 21801
35 . There is no zakaah on charitable funds 94842
36 . Is zakaah due on business premises? 78607
37 . Zakaah on an employee’s salary 26113
38 . Zakaah on money in the bank 88757
40 . The kaafir does not have to pay zakaah 99022
42 . Ruling on giving zakaah to Ahl al-Bayt 21981
47 . Paying off a father’s debt from zakaah 39175
49 . Zakaah on the later portion of the mahr 93780
50 . The prisoner must pay zakaah on his wealth 99257
51 . Which is better - giving zakaah openly or concealing it? 145557
52 . Is it better to pay zakaah in Ramadaan? 8400
56 . Ruling on spending zakaah to build a mosque 21805
59 . Ruling on one who does not pay zakaah 93701
60 . Zakaah on gold that is intended for use 19901
61 . Giving zakaah to kaafirs 21384
62 . Giving zakaah to relatives 20278
63 . It is not essential to tell the person who is entitled to zakaah that the money is zakaah 33777
64 . Who is the wayfarer who may be given zakaah? 35889
67 . Paying zakaah al-fitr one week before Eid 81164
73 . Zakaah on wealth that is held in pledge 99311
74 . Zakaah on loans which may not be repaid 1117
75 . He sponsored an orphan; can he give him zakaah? 146249
77 . Ruling on giving zakaah to Ahl al-Bayt 146369
79 . Is there any zakaah on my advertising business? 149803
83 . Is zakaah required of one who is in debt? 22426
84 . What is the ruling on zakaah on saved money? 93251
85 . The fate of one who does not pay zakaah 1344
86 . Does a taxi driver have to pay zakaah? 146692
87 . Ruling on giving zakaah to a divorced wife 146241
92 . Ruling on using zakaah to build a house 9246
95 . When should zakaah be paid? 10246
96 . Paying zakaah via credit card 20107
97 . One who uses a trip to get out of paying zakaah is sinning and the obligation of paying zakaah is 128169
99 . Ruling on paying zakaah in instalments because the cash is not available; does she have to take a 173120
101 . It is permissible to pay zakaah from something other than the saved money? 84322
109 . Ruling on giving zakaah to one’s mother in law; can he eat from her food that she buys with zakaah 170811
137 . Ruling on giving zakaah to brothers, sisters, paternal uncles and aunts, and other relatives 21810
151 . He gave him zakaah when he was not entitled to it 157136
180 . Zakaah on crops cultivated and harvested with machines that need fuel and other expenses 146142
181 . Zakaah on stagnant real estate shares 97124
183 . Making up zakaah from past years 26119
184 . Zakaah on wealth earned during the year 93414
187 . There is no zakaah on an’aam animals unless they grazed for the whole year or most of it 49041
188 . No zakaah is due if one ceased to own the nisaab (minimum threshold) before the year was complete 106877
192 . Is it permissible to buy goods for the poor with zakaah funds instead if giving it to them in cash? 42542
193 . If the cash is a little more than the nisaab, does one have to pay zakaah on this additional amount? 144649
194 . There is no zakaah on an’aam animals unless they graze on pasture with no expenditure on their food 40156
195 . Can my rich father take zakaah and spend it on my brother so that he can complete his studies? 174734
199 . Is zakaah due on rent that has just been received or rent paid when one year has passed? 47760
200 . Is it acceptable for him to put his money with his wife’s money and pay zakaah together? 66919
201. He gave him zakaah on the basis that he give it back to pay off his debt 99796
202 . The one who is delegated to distribute zakaah is not one of those who are employed to collect it 36512
204 . He has the nisaab (minimum threshold of wealth) but his salary is not sufficient – is zakaah 79059
205 . She has some money and her father does not spend on her; does she have to pay zakaah on it? 85098
207 . If he bought some land then sold it because he needed money, does he have to pay zakaah? 129787
211 . Their parents invested wealth for them but they did not pay zakaah on it. What should they do? 75119
212 . How should a businessman pay zakaah on goods that are en route to him? Should he subtract debts 124095
213 . Is there any zakaah due from one who cut corn before it ripened to provide food for his animals? 140442
214 . She has gold which she gave to her mother for safekeeping. Should she pay zakaah on it or not? 31014
215 . She has children who minors and they have money in the bank – does she have to pay zakaah on it? 95032
217 . Giving zakaah to a female relative if her son is going to take it and spend it on haraam things 98191
218 . The nisaab (minimum threshold) for agricultural produce and the amount of zakaah that is due on it 149115
219 . Does paying more than the amount required for zakaah mean that one is allowed to take interest? 45691
220 . zakaah? 87810
221 . He took a loan from a riba-based bank; does he have to do pay zakaah on what he borrowed? 146236
222 . She is asking about the zakaah on white gold, and about a house that is haunted by the jinn 22948
223 . Lending money to a poor person with the intention of getting it back from the people who pay zakaah 126579
227 . It is not permissible to give zakaah to kaafirs except if it is to attract the hearts of those who 39655
230 . He claims that zakaah need not be paid each year 47088
233 . Can zakaah be used for da’wah purposes? 110137
234 . Does zakaah have to be paid on all bought land? 105303
237 . He put his building up for sale and sold it a year later. Does he have to pay zakaah on it? 10049
238 . I have date palms, and gather the dates and sell them in the market. What is the rate of zakaah on 36778
239 . He has a pharmacy and one full year has passed since he acquired it; how should he pay zakaah on it? 143383
240 . was zakaah or a gift 146332
241 . Can he give zakaah to his uncle who is in debt and should he tell him that it is zakaah? 13937
243 . After their mother died they were not sure whether she used to pay zakaah on the basis of weight or 171196
244 . Should zakaah on commercial goods be based on the price for which they are bought or the price for 26236
245 . they have to pay zakaah on it? 91470
246 . If a poor person is able to do a job that is not befitting for him, can he take zakaah funds? 146363
247 . Is it obligatory to pay zakaah on money loaned to someone who is going through difficulties or 1346
248 . Can the employees of the charity accept the share of zakaah that is given to those who are employed 128635
249 . Is it permissible for her to give money with the intention of zakaah on her own behalf and ongoing 149910
250 . He paid a sum of money in advance to buy a car and the delivery was delayed – should he pay zakaah 21247
251 . It is permissible for a person to give his zakaah to a relative on whom he is not obliged to spend 105305
252 . How should he pay zakaah on a car if it stayed in the showroom for three years and its price has 94473
253 . pay zakaah on it? 105333
254 . He is travelling -- can he delegate someone to pay zakaah on his behalf at home or should he wait 143823
255 . His brother was rich then he became poor. Can he give him zakaah even though he still has the 50640
256 . pay zakaah on it? 117209
257 . zakaah on it? 88168
258 . If a person buys land in order to protect his wealth, does he have to pay zakaah when one year has 146371
259 . zakaah on it? 67594
260 . She has some orphans’ wealth in trust, and it may be consumed by zakaah; is she sinning if she does 83575
261 . Should he pay zakaah on shares that were given to him by the company and over which he has no 174477
262 . pay zakaah on them? 78842
263 . zakaah on it? 88176
264 . zakaah? 131008
265 . bankrupt; does he have to pay zakaah? 152090
268 . How should zakaah be paid on investment accounts that contain both donated money and private 3934
271 . If the land does not sell, is zakaah due on it? 105334
286 . Can he give sadaqah or zakaah to his sisters who are students and for household expenses? 125720
292 . Is it permissible to distribute zakaah on a monthly basis? Can it be converted into food? 52852
301. Does an employee have to give a certain amount of his salary in zakaah? 72962
304 . zakaah on it? 50273
305 . he pay zakaah? 159355
306 . The zakaah on jewellery is obligatory upon the wife, and it is valid for her to give it to her 12338
307 . have to pay zakaah? 95761
308 . Ruling on one who prays but does not pay zakaah or fast, or one who does Hajj but does not pray 106481
309 . Paying zakaah on behalf of workers 34519
310 . . Does he have to pay Zakaah on it? 117936
. Hajj is better than charity 36875
3 . Ruling on giving charity after every sin 146238
5 . Selling food for charity at iftaar 37701
19 . He vowed to give charity every time he committed a sin, then he committed sin but did not give 45889
21 . He is entrusted with some charity funds and his brother owes him money – can he give him some of 21386
41 . It is not permissible for the trustee of a charity to borrow money for himself from the charity’s 139733
42 . Giving charity on behalf of others 4693
43 . Giving sadaqah (charity) to non-Muslims 3854
49 . charity? 85039
51. voluntary charity? 112754
52 . She vowed to sacrifice a sheep on behalf of her mother; can she offer the charity in the form of 105311
53 . She vowed to give one-quarter of her salary in charity – can she give it to her father who is poor? 91412
57 . Collecting the skins of the sacrificial animals, selling them and giving the price in charity 110665
66 . He was given some charity that was came from riba-based wealth; can he go for hajj with it? 42475
67 . Should he perform the obligatory Hajj or give the money in charity to his neighbour who is poor? 146390
69 . in charity if he fell into sin 153613
70 . given in charity? 3967
71 . give it in charity? 160824
72 . Can the employees of the charity accept the share of zakaah that is given to those who are employed 128635
73 . in charity? 66822
74 . In order for the reward of charity on behalf of the deceased to reach him, is it essential for it 10507
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