Saturday, January 17, 2009


- Asim Alavi
Abu Hurayrah (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said, "A group of my Ummah will not cease to fight at the gates of Damascus and at the gates of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and its surroundings. The betrayal or desertion of whoever deserts them will not harm them in the least. They will remain victorious, standing for the truth, until the Final Hour rises". (Tabarani)

Believing in the Jewish version of their own Holocaust is too dangerous an act, it’s not because of the sheer fact that victimised nations sometime exaggerate the truth, but, due to one reason, that the Jews are meticulously cunning when it comes to playing victims and drawing sympathy. The heaps of junk information about Holocaust found on the internet possess all the hall marks of Zionist handy works. However, history is history and Adolf Hitler’s absolute determination to exterminate the Jews from the Ariyan lands, totally, forms an important part of the human history of the recent century. When there is no alternative you have to pick and choose from what others say, and in this instance what the Jews say about their plight during the Second World War.

I was just looking at the other side of the Jewish jubilation and on the savagery they commit euphorically in Gaza. I pushed myself back to a little more than half a century, trying to find some resemblance, if any, between the Gazan savagery and the plight of the European Jews during the Second World War. Horrific and brutally harsh conditions that were prevalent among the hitherto affluent European Jews during Hitler’s campaign named “ Final Solution of the Jewish question" (Endlösung der Judenfrage ) were agonizing to think of at that time. Gory images of Jewish herds wandering in the earth bewildered and forbidden, live human flesh and bones stacked in drawers waiting for their turn to be taken to Hitler’s gas chambers, long queues of traumatized Jews waiting with their metal plates to grab the next available morsel of bread, rotten corpses of Jews and Gypsies scattered all over the places or trucked to be thrown in the garbage or for mass-burning and all that give the impression of a virtual tour with a scavenger.

I was able to collect bits and pieces of news highlighting the plight of the Jews at that time. Let me share them with you:
…….By World War II, nearly all Jewish companies had either collapsed under financial pressure and declining profits, or had been forced to sell out to the Nazi-German government as part of the "Aryanization" policy inaugurated in 1937.

By December 1941, Adolf Hitler decided to completely exterminate European Jews. They began to systematically deport Jewish populations from the ghettos and all occupied territories to the seven camps designated as Vernichtungslager, or extermination camps.

Poland, home of the largest Jewish community in the world before the war, had had over 90% of its Jewish population, or about 3,000,000 Jews, killed. Greece, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Lithuania, Bohemia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, and Latvia each had over 70% of their Jewish population destroyed. Belgium, Romania, Luxembourg, Norway, and Estonia lost around half of their Jewish population, the Soviet Union lost over one third of its Jews, and even countries such as France and Italy each saw around a quarter of their Jewish population killed….


Of all pogroms perpetrated against the Jews, Auschwitz stands as the worse. Many researchers dispute with the figures of those killed by the Jewish sources. They argue it’s a plain exaggeration. However, it is generally accepted by reputed historians that between 500, 000 to 700,000 Jews perished in the Auschwitz pogrom. Have a look at the recounts of a writer as follows:
……… Auschwitz-Birkenau became the killing centre where the largest numbers of European Jews were killed during the Holocaust. After an experimental gassing there in September 1941 of 850 malnourished and ill prisoners, mass murder became a daily routine. By mid 1942, mass gassing of Jews using Zyklon-B began at Auschwitz, where extermination was conducted on an industrial scale with some estimates running as high as three million persons eventually killed through gassing, starvation, disease, shooting, and burning. Between May 14 and July 8,1944, 437,402 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz in 148 trains. This was probably the largest single mass deportation during the Holocaust.

At Auschwitz children were often killed upon arrival. Children born in the camp were generally killed on the spot. Near the end of the war, in order to cut expenses and save gas, cost-accountant considerations led to an order to place living children directly into the ovens or throw them into open burning pits.

So called camp doctors, especially the notorious Josef Mengele, would torture and inflict incredible suffering on Jewish children, Gypsy children and many others. Patients were put into pressure chambers, tested with drugs, castrated, frozen to death, and exposed to various other traumas……….

Then the scavenger takes you to the infamous The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Many Jews in ghettos across eastern Europe tried to organize resistance against the Germans and to arm themselves with smuggled and homemade weapons. Between 1941 and 1943, underground resistance movements formed in about 100 Jewish groups. The most famous attempt by Jews to resist the Germans in armed fighting occurred in the Warsaw ghetto.

In the summer of 1942, about 300,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka. When reports of mass murder in the killing centre leaked back to the Warsaw ghetto, a surviving group of mostly young people formed an organization called the Z.O.B.

The Z.O.B., led by 23-year-old Mordecai Anielewicz, issued a proclamation calling for the Jewish people to resist going to the railroad cars. In January 1943, Warsaw ghetto fighters fired upon German troops as they tried to round up another group of ghetto inhabitants for deportation. Fighters used a small supply of weapons that had been smuggled into the ghetto. After a few days, the troops retreated. This small victory inspired the ghetto fighters to prepare for future resistance. There were over a thousand fighters, including children. They used pistols and Molotov cocktails against the Nazi weaponry, and they successfully repulsed the Germans.

So the plight went on…..

Recently, I came across a Jewish lady over the internet. She said that the Gazans are misbegotten and deserve to be exterminated from the face of the earth. I told her that she was lucky to survive to this day to see the genocide of the Gazans. Had her grandpa been exterminated by Hitler she would have not born at all.

Look at the similarities between Hitler’s Holocaust and the Gaza Holocaust. The objectives are the same, “Total annihilation of a nation”. Let them be maimed, killed and reduced to ashes, so that not even the rib of an infant is left over to rise again. Go further and see the situation of Gaza now, starting from the crippling sanctions to the mass genocide code named “Operation Cast Lead”. It’s nothing except a relocation of Holocaust. Greed, hatred, supremacy, jealousy and gleeful showing off of military might are the norms that reign supreme in the despotic heads of Israeli ruling tribe. Brimming with the American war machine behind them, they display an intense level of self confidence in wreaking havoc on the already maimed Gazans. They have so far murdered around a thousand people, yet are relentless and would go to any extent that their fanatical minds lead them. In deed, the Israelis possess the psychological and military capabilities to do so. The so called international community, the ruling tribes, have given them a blank endorsement for the scheme.

Going back to the Jewish lady, I asked her that when her grandpa’s ilk were gassed to death in the Nazi gas chambers, how many were there to raise a voice against the Nazis. May be a handful of inert human creatures whose cry did not have any weight? Yet they survived even the worse carnage at Auschwitz. Not only that, the starving Jews in the Warsaw ghetto rose up with their empty stomach against the most ruthless and powerful army of the time, the Nazi Wehrmacht, how short-lived the upraise might be.

On the other side, Gazans are not alone; this is evident from the sheer numbers of people demonstrating in their millions in solidarity with the Gazans all around the globe. Leaving the ruling tribes alone, Hamas has seized the streets of Muslim cities, towns and villages in all nooks and corners of the globe. The genocide has given Muslim youths a rallying point; it has created a hitherto unknown degree of passion and commitment towards the Palestinian cause. It is, in deed, contributing enormously for the gradual unification of the Muslim Ummah. Such a situation was not prevalent during WW II when Hitler wreaked his Endlösung der Judenfrage in Europe.

Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak are good folks in what they contribute for the unity of Muslim Ummah. Somebody told me that Imam Abu Hanifa used to despatch gifts to his adversaries and critics for the great services they were rendering to him by their acts of envy, in which the great Imam found an opportunity to get closer to Allah SWT.

If the Jews were able to survive without the help of Allah, almighty, we will survive with the blessings of the divine help that the Banu Israel is deprived of. No matter the betrayal, no matter the destructions, no matter the overwhelming fire power of the enemy, we will survive. But the momentum of Jihad has to be maintained intact in and around Al Quds; the army of believers have to remain there, steadfast, focused and not being distracted by the overwhelming fire power of the enemy.
……..Do not be faint of heart in pursuing these people: if you happen to suffer harm they too are suffering just as you are, while you may hope from Allah what they cannot hope for. Allah is All-Knowing, All- Wise………(An Nisa:104)

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